Auto insurance protects you from financial liability when various covered events happen to your vehicle. If you have a very basic form of insurance, like liability only, you may want to consider another type of insurance that provides more coverage.
Comprehensive auto insurance is a type of insurance you should consider. The professionals at A. L. Saland Insurance Solutions Inc., serving Odessa, FL, can answer your questions about comprehensive auto insurance. We also help our customers decide which type of insurance is right for them.
What Is Comprehensive Auto Insurance?
Comprehensive auto insurance covers a range of non-collision events. Comprehensive auto insurance may cover if your car is damaged or destroyed in a non-collision-related event.
What Are Examples of Events Comprehensive Auto Insurance Covers?
Policies may vary, but comprehensive auto insurance typically covers many events. Some examples include:
- Vandalism
- Theft
- Windshield damage
- Fire
- Weather
- Various acts of nature
Comprehensive auto insurance typically also covers accidents involving animals like deer.
Should I Consider Comprehensive Auto Insurance?
You’re a good candidate for comprehensive auto insurance if you have concerns that something non-collision-related could happen to your vehicle. Maybe you live on a property with many trees and are concerned about tree branches falling on your vehicle, or you have had many near-misses with deer in your area. Comprehensive auto insurance can help.
If you have specific concerns, talk to your insurance agent to ensure that comprehensive auto insurance will cover the event you’re worried about. The professionals at A. L. Saland Insurance Solutions Inc., serving Odessa, FL, is here to help. We can answer your questions about car insurance. We also work with a range of carriers and can help you find the right car insurance for you.